Microsoft Word

Microsoft Word Training

A lot of people use Word and know it on the basic level for writing documents, letters and CVs.

There is however a much more advanced level in Word, one useful for anyone who creates larger documents, manuals, containing headings, Tables of Content, cross references. Word can even be used to create user input forms where only specified parts can be edited with user information and the rest of the document protected from change or deletion.

Our highly skilled trainers will show you how to get the best of Microsoft Word and create clean, professional looking documents that can be easily updated whenever required.

Please select the version that you’re interested in

Please select the level that you’re interested in

Microsoft Word 2010 Introduction

Course Overview


This course is designed for new users of Microsoft Word, or self-taught users. The course covers all topics required to produce documentation that not only looks good but is well structured.


No Prior experience or knowledge of MS Word is required to attend this course. Although, you must have good basic windows, keyboard and mouse skills.


This is a 1 day Word Introduction Course. The course starts at 09:30 and runs until 16:30. Alternate timings can be arranged upon request. The course can be held on a date that suits you.


Our Microsoft Word Introduction course can be run at our training venue near Liverpool Street  (London) or any preferred location in the UK or Europe.

Word 2010 Introduction Course Outline


Word Overview – the User Interface

Standard & Contextual Ribbons

The File Tab

Status Bar Tools

Dialog Boxes

Task Panes

Using Help


Creating new blank documents

Accessing and opening templates to create documents

Saving, closing and opening Documents

Understanding non-printing characters

Selection techniques (keyboard + mouse)

Navigating documents

Using Word Views

Entering text and understanding basic text features

Using Find/Replace

Spell Check, Thesaurus

Format Your Document

Applying Font formats

Changing the default font for all new documents

Using Paragraph formats

Inserting non breaking hyphens and spaces

Applying borders and shading

Format Painter

Using Cut, Copy and Paste

Revealing formatting and Clearing formatting


Turning on Bullets

Creating & editing bulleted list styles

Changing bullet types and formatting

Turning on Numbered Lists

Creating your own numbered list style

Changing numbering types


Understanding Tabs

Changing the default Tab Stop

Setting and manipulating Tabs using ruler

Setting and manipulating Tabs using dialog box

Using leader tabs

Using bar tabs

Setting the measurement units for the Ruler

Using Tabs in a Document


Inserting and Deleting page breaks

Changing page orientation

Viewing Headers and Footers

Creating Basic Page numbering

Setting Margin Sizes

Using Page Borders

Inserting a Watermark


Printing a Document

Setting Print options

Previewing a document

Selecting a print

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One to One

(which includes a tailor-made training programme for the individual where they can mix and match the topics from various levels to get the most cost-effective training

Group for up to 8 learners
The Course outlines on our website are standard, however, we would be happy to tailor them to your specific requirements. Please call us on 020 3696 2796 or send us a message to discuss further.

What Our Clients Say


This is a sample of some of the Short training videos. Please note that you can get access to many more, once you have done a course with us and are registered as one of our delegates.